Even though it is kind of a challenge since I never type in English (I rarely type at all), so if you are some kind of English whizz and you see a mistake that I might have missed, you can tell me on my comments(as long as you're gentle- Dude or Dudette).
I will try my very best to be interesting and relate my crazy high school knitter-14-year-old-mangaka life.
Down to business now. Maybe you've noticed the strange picture of a dog on the side bar. That is my Boston Terrier, Poupoune (it's a french name that I didn't pick, she is adopted). If this silly creature had a resume it would probably be :
- Licks alot
- Sleeps all the time
- Loaths any balloon, ball or circular object
- Favorite food is pizza crust
- Scared of the dark
- Crooked teeth

And this knitted dragon scarf that my totaly cool mom made is sooo what I want for christmas! You can also see details on her blog.

'Till next time au revoir!
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